Why love is important in your life? What effect should this have on society?

 Most of the time we take care of our body according to our needs. We make sure we need food, we need clothes, we need to be clean, we need exercise, and we need rest. We also prioritize entertainment. Yet we also ignore an important need for love or affection.

    Of course, as a society, love is not ignored  Popular media are constantly focusing on what we need to do and how to look to attract “love”.  But love is not as strong as an emotional need to express the desire to love others.

    The need to love and care for others is built on us  This is exactly the style of governing the country that he has used in Russia.  Allows you to give up food and cleanliness  It is this need that allows people to take risks to protect themselves from natural disasters and human hazards.  It is this need that works for human society on a small and large scale.

    Loving others allows us to put the needs and desires of others ahead of our own  We work hard and work long hours for the needs of the people we love in the jobs we hate.  Whether our loved ones are young or old, we endure other intolerable situations to take care of.


Love means loving, holding, and possessing wealth  We don’t hurt, hurt or hurt people we love;  Rather, we try to get rid of their suffering  It’s not about people’s desires;  It wants to make people happy  It’s not about wanting to control or control others;  It wants to liberate them.


 John Oxenham described love as: “When love gives  Forgive, live  And always standing with open arms  And when it survives, it gives  Because it is the right of love - to give, to give, and to give  ”


Love is a Greek that allows you to turn the wheel of life  Because when we love, we look beyond our own needs, desires  Because of love we sacrifice our time, energy, our desires, and sometimes ourselves.  Sometimes it’s for an immediate person or group that we know intimately and absolutely love, but other times it’s for a larger group that we don’t really know or probably don’t like.  It is love that allows law enforcement and emergency services employees to face danger.  It is love that allows soldiers to put everything in danger  Love is a hero every day in every corner of the world  As Thomas Campus puts it: “Love does not feel a burden, a burden does not think of a problem, it tries more than its power ... so it is able to do all things, and it completes many things and makes them work.  Guarantees to do, where one does not love  He becomes weak.  ”


The extreme definition of love is not about feeling good but about doing good  A great example of love at work is Mother Teresa who has worked so hard on behalf of others for so long.  Yet if we look for it, it looks around us  "The root of love is compassion," said Robert Louis Stevenson.

    Love is important because it has no meaning or purpose in life without it  As Frank Tebetz puts it, "Life without love is like an ashes in an empty furnace. The fire is extinguis hed, the laughter is extinguished, and the light is extinguished."  Love allows us to be more and we can never do without its power.


So friends don't mean love, it's just the attraction of the opposite sex.  Love means a relationship in which one has the feelings or respect of the other's heart for the same thing that a parent does to his or her child.


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