how to save your relationship in troubled periods ? How can you and your partner deal with it?



Even the happiest relationship goes through a difficult time  Life is full of so many changes. And uncertainty and these can definitely test the relationship. 

   This post of mine will help people who are having trouble with their relationship. And how to help bring your relationship back on track  If you are thinking. Even want to be in a relationship. This will help you to decide. Think of options and everything before you go  Some ideas and. Your shawls can help with other relationships in your life that may be yours. Problems with - maybe with a friend, parents, siblings or other relatives.

Do you both want to save? 

 You are reading this article and you are trying to save your relationship.  This article or section needs sources or references that appear in credible, third-party publications.  It will be very effective if you follow my approach as I say.   

   If relationship irregularities are found, it is important to bring the relationship back on track so that the relationship can be broken.  When the uncertainty of a relationship goes before more than one person, it becomes difficult to handle the relationship.Both parties need to take responsibility for the relationship and both need to also want to rebuild and save it.

 Try to understand what your problem is.

 There may be one or more reasons why relationships are in trouble.There may be external causes that put pressure and pressure on your relationship. Such as work problems, a new baby, money, problems with other family members, Disbelief, etc., can be another reason.  There may not have been an incident in it.

  Himself, but gradually the formation of discontent and bitterness.Small disagreements that have affected the relationship Small things. When you first got together you were always seen as ‘beautiful’ and ‘adorable’Deep on you.It is interesting to note that disbelief has traditionally been the number one cause

  "It simply came to our notice then  According to a 2011 study by the Accountant Farm Grant. Thornton, ‘falling apart’ and ‘falling in love’ are now the most common in the UK Common reasons for divorce are shown. It is important to take some time to identify the problem or problem your relationship is not a fault game, it is completely honest and about both parties are accepting responsibility  It can be really difficult. Taxation can be charged and can be very painful or painful for some things Pay attention and really discuss  Talking through these is very achievable. Problems as a couple, but you may find that you need some professional help in coming additional support is needed to address this issue and move things forward. Sometimes talking to an outsider, which none of you can really help.

Don’t expect unrealistic relationships.

When you are together or your time is exciting, you expect a lot from your partner, which is very frustrating, which can lead to problems later.  We often get influenced by television or social media and expect a lot of unrealistic expectations from our peers that we shouldn’t do.  Doing so creates irregularities in the relationship by not meeting expectations.  So we should not expect unrealistic expectations from our partners.

Not to mention the bad experiences of the past with the present.

You may be saddened by the unpleasant things that have been said and done in the past, the harmful things, the distrust, and the actions of your partner.  It cannot be easily forgotten by the human brain.  Which has a detrimental effect on our present and future.  If something has gone wrong with you or your partner in the past, you can apologize to your partner or forgive him or her for your partner's mistake.  Doing so will have no effect on your current relationship and you will be able to move your relationship forward with a smile.

Are we compatible?

For any relationship to last, it is essential that you are compatible. This does not mean that you have to share all of each others hobbies and interests and live in each others pockets. In fact, it could be considered unhealthy if you do. The happiest people in the most successful relationships give each other space and time to follow other interests away from the relationship. You are afterall two separate people with two separate personalities and interests. The important thing is that you are able to come back together and enjoy each others company and pursue other interests that you may share together.Being compatible with someone is being able to work well together. It is about having similar outlooks on life, sharing a similar sense of humour, wanting similar things.

‘Communication’ is the word!

Once you have considered your compatibility, to move forward with rebuilding your relationship, it is essential that you spend time together to talk about particular issues and problems that you face in your relationship. This can be so difficult, especially when emotions are running high. Try to pick a time when you are both as relaxed as possible. Agree that this is a time when you will not raise voices or argue. Make sure it is at a time when you will not be disturbed and not on your way out the door. This cannot be rushed. 

        Listening is just as important as talking. There are two sides to everything in life and it is essential that you give your partner as much opportunity to communicate their feelings and take on things as you do with them. You may not have realised why your partner feels, says and does certain things before and this is an opportunity for you to gain some understanding and vice versa. It is unlikely that all problems in your relationship will be resolved in one sitting, but this will be a good starting point in helping you both get things back on track. If there is more than one issue, talk about one at a time. Agree to come back together in the next few days to talk some more. Put it in your diary.

            By talking to each other calmly and by respecting each others view points by listening will help your relationship greatly. As I previously said, this can be very difficult to do on your own. Don’t be afraid to get some professional support to help you both rebuild your relationship.

Invest time and effort into your relationship.

People invest so much time into their jobs and careers, children, even the household chores! It is equally as important to invest as much time and effort as you can into your relationship. This can be difficult when you have got a hundred and one things to do and fit in every day – but is essential that you do! Even half an hour a day, or even every fews days, to stop doing everything else and sit down together and talk.The talking does not need to be deep and meaningful – even just a catch up on how your day has been. It is so easy to lose touch with one another and each day passes and you end up living like complete strangers.

             Bring things back to basics. Get to know each other again. There is absolutely no rush.. take it slow. Perhaps go on a date together once a week or even once a month.Put it in your diaries. Do not be tempted to discuss your potential split on the date itself. Talk about other things in your life. Talk about things that brought you together in the first place. Don’t feel the date has to end up going to bed together. Again, take things slowly. You are beginning again and new rules apply! 

   And finally…a loving and lasting relationship is about:





